Legyél az első aki véleményt ír erről a termékről “Colleen Hoover : Maybe Now”
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Részösszeg: 114.264Ft
PICKING UP RIGHT where Maybe Someday left off, Ridge and Sydney are in love and in awe of finally being able to be together guilt-free. As the two of them navigate what that means, Warren and Bridgette’s relationship is as tumultuous as ever, and Maggie grapples with her illnes.
Determined to live to the fullest, Maggie decides to jump out of a plane and meets Jake, a cardilogist with a penchant for tandem skydiving. While getting ready for their post-jump date, Maggie comes across an old list of things she wanted to do „maybe one of these days…” and decides what better time than right now?
As Maggie keeps Ridge uptated on her adventures, he continues to worry about her health and safety. With every text Maggie sends, it becomes harder for Sydney to feel okay with Ridge’s friendship with Maggie. But if she’s going to move past this, she’ll need to reconcile how she and Ridge came together with the fact that Maggie will always be in their lives somehow…or end up walking away from the man loves so much.
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